"Our sense of wonder grows exponentially; the greater the knowledge, the deeper the mystery."

-- E.O. Wilson

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

"Life List"

I've got a backlog of books to read at the moment, but one I'll have to add to the queue is Olivia Gentile's new (and first) volume "Life List" (here and here) which chronicles the life of Phoebe Snetsinger, a name not widely known outside of birdwatching circles. Snetsinger took up birding at the age of 49 after being diagnosed with cancer and given one year to live. Instead she obsessively traveled the world for 20 years and every continent viewing 8000+ (a world record) of the 10,000+ bird species in existence (before dying tragically in a van accident on a remote bird expedition). This is a book that will inspire and uplift. A story of fortitude, self-determination, and the human spirit unleashed, that any reader, and particularly birders will find enthralling.

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