"Our sense of wonder grows exponentially; the greater the knowledge, the deeper the mystery."

-- E.O. Wilson

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Author Blurb -- K.C. Cole

K.C. Cole is an award-winning science writer and essayist. Her volume "Mind Over Matter: Conversations With The Cosmos" is one of my favorite books of science essays. These are 90+ concise, trenchant, varied essays that don't waste words nor the reader's time, and can yield meaning for the non-scientist and scientist alike. Widely-read mathematician Keith Devlin once called her essay "Murmurs," which is included in the volume, "the best popular science essay ever" (read it HERE). That would be a tall order, and there are several essays in the book that I like even better, but it is a telling endorsement of her work.
"Mind Over Matter" was published over 5 years ago and I probably won't bother giving it a full review here... but if I did, it would easily make my "A" list.

Some of K.C.'s other books are:

"The Universe and the Teacup: The Mathematics of Truth and Beauty"
"First You Build a Cloud: And Other Reflections on Physics as a Way of Life"
"The Hole in the Universe: How Scientists Peered over the Edge of Emptiness and Found Everything"


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